The 2nd Annual InterCap international conference „Globalization of Migration, Anti-Immigrant Parties, and Xenophobia: Reflection on European societes and State in the 21st Century“ was held this year in Split, Croatia on the 26th of October in collaboration with the Institute for Migration and Ethnic Studies, Zagreb, and the Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences, University of Split.

About 100 participants had the opportunity to listen to lectures by international experts from different scientific areas – migration, globalization of migration, multiculturalism, security policies etc. Keynote speakers and panelists at Conference were Daniele Archibugi, Maurizio Ambrosini, Arjun Appadurai, Hans-Georga Betz, Andreas Niedeberger, Ugo Vlaisavljević, Žan Štrabac, Branka Likić-Brborić and Zoran Kurelić and Anđelko Milardović. Through 4 sessions in a very positive and collaborative atmosphere until late afternoon, issues like security aspects of migration, EU politics toward migration, xenophobia and anti-immigrant parties were analysed and discussed with many participants from different local and state institutions and bodies.

Our project InterCap was also presented during the Conference focusing, on the one hand, on the need for the promotion of Policy Coherence for Development in all countries and at EU and, on the other hand, on the professional development of trainers & teachers in Global Education for the introduction of controversial issues in their classrooms – both aspects are considered as key factors to raise awareness about migration and sustainable development. In addition, our mentor partner Caroline Bagelman from the Liverpool Hope University delivered an interactive workshop „Sanctuary as praxis“ in which she presented SOS movement (Schools of Sanctuary). During her workshop, Bagelman indicated how the intervention exemplifies the way throuygh which the funds of knowledge approaches can be actualised, how hybrid identities of new arrivals might be supported, and how we can reframe who plays the role of host in schools during resettlement.
You can download the conference proceedings here