During the 4th Transnational partners' meeting in Split, Croatia partners and mentor partners from Greece, Poland and the UK had the opportunity to visit the Jewish community in Split and to get deeper insights into the life of its 100 members.
The 2nd Annual InterCap international conference „Globalization of Migration, Anti-Immigrant Parties, and Xenophobia: Reflection on European societes and State in the 21st Century“ was held this year in Split, Croatia on the 26th of October in collaboration with the Institute for Migration and Ethnic Studies, Zagreb, and the Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences, University of Split.
InterCap project has released its 2019 Annual Strategy Paper on Mentor Partnership. The paper discusses the objectives and focuses on the implementation of the activity “Mentor partnership between project countries and their associated teacher training institution".
Join us on a webinar about community of enquiry, dialogue and philosophy for challenging extreme and controversial issues. The international webinar "Dialogue. Reflection. School Practice" is organized by The Institute of Global Responsibilitya and The Anti-discrimination Education Society as a part of educational toolkit “Philosophy for challenging extremism”.