Media / Press sources
Project Zero at the Harvard Graduate School of Education and the Directorate of Education and Skills at the OECD are pleased to co-host the public launch of the new OECD PISA Global Competence Framework, the foundation for the PISA test of 2018. Andreas Schleicher will introduce the OECD framework and leaders in global education will discuss its implications for educational policies and practices.
In Part 2, Dr. Shin discusses how to teach global citizenship in the young learner classroom, and introduces us to what she refers to as "The 5 Essentials."
In Part 1 of this webinar series, Dr. Shin answers "What is a global citizen?" and discusses how teaching global citizenship is important in the young learner classroom.
Jenny is an agent of global citizenship who was recognized as a 2012 White House Champion of Change. Her talk shares her passion about educating primary and secondary school students about global cultures and histories by the use of multimedia.
Highlights of the Second UNESCO Forum on Global Citizenship Education (GCED) Building peaceful and sustainable societies: preparing for post-2015 (28-30 January 2015,UNESCO HQ, Paris). The Forum was organized by the Division for Teaching, Learning and Content, Education Sector, UNESCO, with the support of Austria, the Sultanate of Oman and the Republic of Korea, and the UN Secretary-General’s Global Education First Initiative (GEFI).
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