1. Boal, Augusto (1996/1992): Games for Actors and Non-Actors. London: Routledge
  2. Diamond, David (2007): Theatre for Living. The art and science of community-based dialogue. Victoria, BC Canada: Trafford Publishing.
  3. Freire, Paolo (1996/1970) Pedagogy of the Oppressed. London: Penguin books.
  4. Mazzini, Roberto & Wrentschur, Michael (2004): Theatre of the Oppressed in Social Fields/Theater der Unterdrückten in sozialen Feldern. In: Koch, Gerd; Roth, Sieglinde; Vaßen Florian and Wrentschur, Michael (Hrsg.): Theaterarbeit in sozialen Feldern/ Theatre Work in Social Fields. Frankfurt am Main: Brandes & Apsel,174–186.
  5. Photo credits: InterACT

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