Train the Trainer pedagogies (4h)


Sustainable Development Education and Global Citizenship Education are a fundamental component of sustainable development and prepare young citizens to become advocates and sustainability change-makers. In order to do so they need to be guided to develop cognitive, socio-emotional and behavioural competences. In this Module we will reflect on the relationship among pedagogy, individuals and societies in an increasingly complex world, focus on its evolution in the XX and XXI century and deepen the pedagogical approaches behind Global Citizenship Education (GCE) and Sustainable Development Education (SDE), the role of trainers-facilitator, the methodologies and the methods and finally the cross-cutting key competences for achieving all SDGs.

Unit 1: Learning in today’s world


At all latitudes, each human being is a unique person, with specific biological and psychological characteristics, with his/her own cognitive style, a particular way of elaborating information, managing knowledge, interacting with the others and with the environment, a special way to express feelings and opinions. Beyond the individual dimension, each human being also has a social dimension, related to the rules and conditions of the place and the community this person is living, marked by a different access to resources, human rights and quality education. In this Unit we will start from our personal dimension to reflect on the global dimension of the world and its influence on pedagogy.

Learning Objectives

Upon completion of this Unit participants should be able to:

  • Reflect on the aim of pedagogy and its connections to the historical moment;
  • Identify and explain formal, non-formal and informal education;
  • Learn, reflect on their learning, and communicate their knowledge and understanding
  • Analyse contemporary pedagogy through the lenses of globalisation.
Start M6 - U1

Check Your Knowledge M6 - U1Available in the full version only.


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Unit 2: The evolution of pedagogy and the new emergencies: sustainable development


In such a complex, globalised world, several and diversified competences are required to face everyday life, understand the interconnectedness and act. This increase the chances of exclusion of those individuals who may have more difficulties in giving a meaning to themselves and to the world that surrounds them. For this reason, learning becomes longitudinal, with a lifelong dimension, and pedagogy faces new emergencies and acquits an even more important role: making learning and inclusion a reality for everyone. As stated in the Global Education Guidelines, “the importance of education lies in helping people recognize their role and individual and collective responsibilities as active members of this global community in the sense of engagement for social and economic justice for all and the protection and restoration of the earth’s ecosystems.” However, what do they need to become sustainability change makers?

Learning Objectives

Upon completion of this Unit participants should be able to:

  • List the characteristics of pedagogy in the XX century;
  • Reflect on the new emergencies of pedagogy;
  • Identify the SKAs developed through GCE and SDE.
Start M6- U2

Check Your Knowledge M6 - U2Available in the full version only.


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Unit 3: The pedagogical approaches behind Sustainable Development Education and Global Citizenship Education


Sustainable Development Education and Global Citizenship Education are to be placed in the XXI century pedagogical framework: they are built on pedagogical activism, the education of the oppressed and so on. Let’s explore the approaches required to set up a sustainable and successful learning process with the future sustainability change-makers and active global citizens.

Learning Objectives

Upon completion of this Unit participants should be able to:

  • Identify the pedagogical approaches related to SDE and GCE;
  • Name the main organisations and agencies working on SDE and GCE worldwide;
  • Detail the role of the trainer when adopting the SDE and GCE pedagogical approaches.
Start M6- U3

Check Your Knowledge M6 - U3Available in the full version only.


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Unit 4: Methodologies, methods and cross-cutting key competences in GCE and SDE


According to the Council of Europe GCE (and SDE) “methodology has to be related to the realities of the world. This means, it is first of all based on the reality, contexts and needs of our learning group, then the reality of the local society surrounding this group and then the reality of the global society influencing our local realities and the interconnections between them. This requires first clearing all the concepts we will deal with and then using a wide variety of resources, adapted to the different capacities and characteristics of the learning group (i.e. age, language knowledge, cultural background and physical capacities) and related to learning styles”. The Sustainable Development Goals offer a wide range of topics to be covered, as they “are a universal call to action to end poverty, protect the planet and ensure that all people enjoy peace and prosperity” at global level but trainers will also need to find suitable methods to deliver them.

Learning Objectives

Upon completion of this Unit participants should be able to:

  • Summarise the main characteristic of the methodologies
  • List the characteristics of the methods
  • Identify the cross-cutting key competences for achieving all the SDGs
Start M6 - U4

Check Your Knowledge M6 - U4Available in the full version only.


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Face to Face material

Certificate - Module 6

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